A performance about superheroes. Show business number one darling: a necessity or just neoliberal capitalism i tights?
29-30 October Inkonst, Malmö, Sweden
10 January FestiBorg, Sarpsborg, Norway
Bombina Bombasts latest piece (There Goes My) Local Hero Part 1 is the first part in a series of deconstructions of superhero dramaturgy and -aesthetics that will be presented during the coming year. The projekt examines both the ideology behind the superhero and how to create a comic book and blockbuster movie aesthetic on stage. This first part focuses on the stylized origin story of the superhero: the one that explains the super powers and inner motifs of the hero.
By taking one of the most commercial American culture industries today and look into the way we perceive the stereotypes and values produced by it - can we get hold of something that has actual urgency in today’s Europe? Or is the superhero just neoliberal capitalism in tights?
In (There Goes My) Local Hero Part 1 Bombina Bombast continues to work with with transmedia storytelling and game inspired performing arts. The many languages of the artistic team intertwine in the performance with visually and technically experimental narratives communicating with it’s audience through many medias.
(There Goes My) Local Hero is a Nordic co-production between Bombina Bombast and Copenhagen-based Sydhavn Teater.
Text/dramaturg: Emma Bexell | Director: Stefan Stanisic | Actors: Jerk Ohlson Westin, Andrea Vik, Mille Maria Dalsgaard, Mario Castro Sepulveda | Co-produktion: Bombina Bombast and Sydhavn Teater | Funded by: Kulturbryggan
By taking one of the most commercial American culture industries today and look into the way we perceive the stereotypes and values produced by it - can we get hold of something that has actual urgency in today’s Europe? Or is the superhero just neoliberal capitalism in tights?
In (There Goes My) Local Hero Part 1 Bombina Bombast continues to work with with transmedia storytelling and game inspired performing arts. The many languages of the artistic team intertwine in the performance with visually and technically experimental narratives communicating with it’s audience through many medias.
(There Goes My) Local Hero is a Nordic co-production between Bombina Bombast and Copenhagen-based Sydhavn Teater.
Text/dramaturg: Emma Bexell | Director: Stefan Stanisic | Actors: Jerk Ohlson Westin, Andrea Vik, Mille Maria Dalsgaard, Mario Castro Sepulveda | Co-produktion: Bombina Bombast and Sydhavn Teater | Funded by: Kulturbryggan