9-11 February @ Karens Minde Kulturhus ------------------------>
LOVE LOOP - Director's Dut is a performance about our love for social media. Bombina Bombast has been invited by Sydhavn Teater to created an extended version of the performance LOVE LOOP that premiered in a bunker in Copenhagen 2015.
For an hour we follow Mille. She is an actress, 35, and in a relationship that isn't necessarily a healthy one. You see, Mille is more dependent on him than he is on her, and now she fights to hold on to Franz-Bent, the incredible surfer, known and desired by many.
Emma Bexell & Stefan Stanisic (Bombina Bombast) are invited to explore the meeting between their live-streaming tech and the solo LOVE LOOP, written and performed by Mille Maria Dalsgaard. They contribute with new camera angles, optical loops and confession cams to Mille's world of sound loops and love trouble.
Written and performed by: Mille Maria Dalsgaard
Videodesign: Emma Bexell and Stefan Stanisic
Supported by: Statens Kunsfond (part of cooperation project TEATERBROEN: Through the Ages)