14-20/12 2016 at Bastionen, Malmö. BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE
Noise is a celebration of the virtual in our world. A beautiful combination of innovative technology and classic theatre. Emma Bexell and Stefan Stanisic, artistic directors of Bombina Bombast, tell us what to expect when they occupy Bastionen in December:
The performance is about 0 and 1 that have been thrown out of their digital world and now have to face the physical ”real” world, says Emma Bexell, who is also the playwright behind Noise.
The digital and the virtual have created so many new spaces in our society; meeting points, playgrounds, secret corners. I wanted to create characters that never had physical bodies but now are forced to take a human form. 0 and 1 don't understand the non-virtual world and that world does not understand them, says Emma. We humans complain about the abundance of noise from technology but for 0 and 1 that noise was the only reality.
Stefan Stanisic, director of the performance, says that he with Noise wanted to create a potpurri of the expressions that distinguish Bombina Bombast. Live-video and virtual reality together join hands with classical theatre.
We often mix expressions: film with on stage acting, virtual reality with real meetings. Noise will be lika a Bombina Bombast-medley where all formats interact and you are invited to participate in many different ways.
Concept: Emma Bexell & Stefan Stanisic.
Director: Stefan Stanisic.
Text: Emma Bexell.
Stage design: Svante Back, Amanda Lebert Elfvelin (intern from MAH's Stage production program)
Composer: Olle Markensten
Choreography: Ana Stanisic
Producer: Katinka Richter.
On stage: Ana Stanisic, Jerk Ohlson Westin, Svante Back, Olle Markensten
With support from: Kulturrådet, Malmö stad and Region Skåne.
Noise premieres December 14th 2016 at Bastionen in Malmö and will play every evening at 19.30 until December 20th.
Tickets are 150 SEK ordinary/100 SEK student price. BUY HERE